Bernews: BNT Invites Public to Free Open House

Bernews: BNT Invites Public to Free Open House

The Bermuda National Trust invites the community to free open houses in May to gather input on plans to revitalize Trust Museums.

A spokesperson said, “Bermuda National Trust invites the community to learn about and give input into plans for Trust Museums at free open houses in May. In line with this year’s Heritage Month theme, Culture=Energy, the Trust hopes to revitalise its museums to expand their cultural tourism impact and community benefit.”

Head of Cultural Heritage Dr. Charlotte Andrews asks, “What better time to invite you than on International Museums Day on Saturday 18 May to visit Verdmont Museum from 10am-3pm to discuss our vision for our central historic house museum? We believe this African Diaspora Heritage Trail Site and former site of enslavement can be an extremely profound memorial and site of healing. We extend an especially warm welcome to residents from the surrounding Collector’s Hill and wider Smith’s areas, who may live on original Verdmont land and may have a special interest in our elevating the historic house museum as a cultural tourism attraction and community heritage hub. We will also share our plans for our two museums in St. George’s with everyone who comes by.”

Dr. Andrews continued, “Then on Thursday 30 May from 11am-6pm we invite the entire community but especially our fellow World Heritage Site partners, residents and businesses, to Globe Museum on King’s Square. Come learn about our plans for our two St. George’s museums and Verdmont.” BNT’s Tucker House Museum on Water Street site is temporarily closed for conservation and restoration. It is planned to reopen the museum and African Diaspora Heritage Trail Site next year with new exhibits.

“Our vision is for visitors to the museums to have meaningful and memorable heritage experiences,” said Dr. Andrews. “We want to hear your thoughts about the Trust Museums plan to reflect your ideas and concerns and to ensure the museums meet community needs and are financially sustainable moving forward. Trust Museums are your museums, so come be a part of the plan!” The Trust Museums plan will be posted online at in June after integrating input collected from the free open houses during Heritage Month in May.

Read the full article online.

May 15, 2024 News