Bernews: BNT Plant & bake Sale this Saturday

Bernews: BNT Plant & bake Sale this Saturday

Bermuda National Trust’s Plant & Bake Sale is scheduled for this Saturday at BNT headquarters, offering a diverse array of plants, baked goods, and local produce.

A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda National Trust’s popular Plant & Bake Sale is set to go ahead rain or shine this Saturday 10 February from 8:30am to noon at BNT headquarters, Waterville, 2 Pomander Road, Paget.”

“We invite everyone to Waterville this Saturday to choose from a fabulous selection of plants, from bedding annuals to unusual trees and shrubs, native and endemic species, Bermuda roses, succulents, orchids, palms and much more,” said Karen Border, BNT Executive Director.

“All items are graciously donated by Bermuda’s plant nurseries, landscape companies and private plant growers. There will be plant experts on hand to help you select plants suitable for your house and garden and explain the best conditions for growing them successfully.”

Read full article.

February 6, 2024 News