Bernews: Port Royal Hosts Bermuda National Trust
Port Royal Golf Course recently hosted the Bermuda National Trust for a tour and presentation on its agronomic practices.
A spokesperson said, “Port Royal Golf Course, amidst recent celebrations for its 50 year milestone, extended an invitation to the Bermuda National Trust to visit the facilities and learn about the agronomic practices used by the golf course team.
“Chairman of the Bermuda Government Golf Course Trustees Kim Swan, Junior Minister of Tourism, Culture & Sport, recommended extending an invitation following the recent Bermuda National Trust awards ceremony at Verdmont Museum.”
Mr Swan said, “I was intrigued by the recognition afforded to individuals and organizations for their stewardship of the Bermuda’s environment. It didn’t escape us that our own Golf Course Superintendent Mr. Jayson Jackson, who practices sound agronomic principles, is an environmentalist at heart and I felt it would be beneficial for our team to have a dialogue in the first instance.”