Royal Gazette: Bermuda National Trust elects new council board

Royal Gazette: Bermuda National Trust elects new council board

Mark Orchard has been elected as president of the Bermuda National Trust’s council board, replacing Alana Anderson.

In addition, Michael Leverock was elected as vice-president of the board.

Ms Anderson stepped down from the role of president, in accordance with BNT bylaws, after serving an extended seven-year term. Mr Orchard thanked her for her exceptional service and presented her with an honorary life membership.

Ms Anderson served the trust for 20 years, starting out as a volunteer in 2004 in her early twenties, first on the fundraising and finance committees, and from 2008 on the council.

Important milestones under her leadership include the 2018 International Conference of National Trusts held in Bermuda, amendments to the Bermuda National Trust Act in 2021 and, in 2023, the adoption of the new BNT five-year strategic plan.

Re-elected to the BNT council are Andy DeGregorio, Stratton Hatfield, Peter Hebberd, Zeudi Hinds, Robin Mayor, Linda O’Shea, Duncan Simons and William White.

There are also three government appointees on the council: Meredith Ebbin and Mariette Savoie, who were previously appointed and continue to serve, and Ms Anderson, who was appointed recently after stepping down as president.

Karen Border, the trust’s executive director, said: “The council members do a great service to Bermuda by volunteering their time and expertise to ensure that BNT is well governed and effective in protecting and promoting the island’s natural and cultural heritage.

“We are very grateful to all of them.”

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July 3, 2024 News