Royal Gazette: Historic Porch to be Demolished and Replaced

Royal Gazette: Historic Porch to be Demolished and Replaced

Plans to remove ageing balconies from an historic Hamilton building have been approved on the condition that a replacement balcony is installed within six months.

According to a planning application, filed earlier this year, Mayfair Ltd had sought permission to remove the cantilevered porch from 2 Reid Street because of safety concerns.

The property, which hosts P-Tech, was originally the home of the Phoenix Drug Store, which opened at the site in 1902.

While it was argued that the removal of the balconies was necessary as they had become unsafe, concerns were raised about changing the character of the building.

The Corporation of Hamilton requested that permission for the demolition only be granted on the condition that a new balcony is installed within six months.

The applicant responded by submitting revised drawings that proposed a smaller replacement porch which, unlike the original porch, would not stretch the full length of the building.

A report prepared for the Development Applications Board said: “The CoH reviewed these drawings and, in a letter dated July 11, noted that the building has had a progressive loss of historical character over time due to various modifications.

Read the full article.

August 23, 2024 News