Royal Gazette: Parks protection body back with Zane DeSilva at helm

Royal Gazette: Parks protection body back with Zane DeSilva at helm

An advisory body set up to help protect Bermuda’s national parks has been re-established, about 15 months after it was disbanded.

The National Parks Commission will be chaired by Zane DeSilva, head of a construction company and a government MP, according to a notice in the Official Gazette.

One environmental charity yesterday welcomed the return of the commission but said its re-establishment should not have taken so long.

Karen Border, the executive director of the Bermuda National Trust, said: “BNT is very pleased that the National Parks Commission has been re-established.

“This important statutory body should never have been dismissed in the first place and it should not have taken more than a year of lobbying to get it reinstated, but we are glad that it will once again be able to carry out its function of advising on Bermuda’s national park system.

“Bodies such as the National Parks Commission are a critical part of maintaining a healthy democracy in Bermuda, as they provide an arena through which Government can seek the advice of individuals or organisations with specialist expertise and independent perspectives.

Read full article online.

April 13, 2024 News