
Globe Museum: The Story of a House & Its People

A Historical House Guide Book. The story of Globe Museum, one of the earliest houses in the UNESCO World Heritage Site of St George, Bermuda’s former capital.  Today the house contains the Globe Museum, a gift shop, media room & archaeology lab.

Author: Diana Chudleigh
Published by: Bermuda National Trust, 2024
Pages: 87
Cover: Paperback
Illustrations: Colour
Dimensions: 6” x 8.25”
Price: $12

March 14, 2024

Bermuda’s Architectural Heritage: Southampton

Southampton is the tenth in the Trust’s Architectural Heritage series. The book was written by Dr Edward Harris with a strong supporting team and includes information about the history and architecture of Southampton’s most interesting houses, including some, such as those on the former Naval Operating Base, which sadly have disappeared. It also covers a wide range of other topics such as farming, fish ponds and whaling and has a wonderful cover of a painting of Waterlot Inn and the Lighthouse by W F Snow.

Author: Dr. Edward Harris
Editor:  Alistair Border
Published by: Bermuda National Trust, 2022
Pages: 266
Illustrations: Black and white photos and drawings
Cover: Laminated, colour
Dimensions: 8.75″ x 11.25″
Price: $55

November 18, 2022

Waterville: The Story of a House, Its People & Its Contents

A Historical House Guide Book. The story of the Bermuda National Trust Headquarters, built for a maritime family in the mid 18th century whose descendants owned the property for more than 200 years.

Author: Diana Chudleigh
Published by: Bermuda National Trust, 2020
Pages: 56
Cover: Paperback
Illustrations: Colour
Dimensions: 6” x 8.25”
Price: $12

March 11, 2021

Tucker House: The Story of a House, Its People and Its Contents

A Historical House Guide Book. The story of Tucker House, a mid 18th century house in St. George’s, and the families who lived in it. The house today is furnished with examples of Bermuda’s finest craftsmanship and many of these are described in words and illustrated by photographs within this book.

Author: Diana Chudleigh
Published by: Bermuda National Trust, 2015
Pages: 68
Cover: Paperback
Illustrations: Colour
Dimensions: 6” x 8.25”
Price: $10

March 11, 2021

Verdmont: The Story of a House, Its People and Its Contents

A Historical House Guide Book. The story of Verdmont, an early 18th century house in Smith’s Parish, and the families who lived in it. The house today is furnished with examples of Bermuda’s finest craftsmanship and many of these are described in words and illustrated by photographs within this book.

Author: Diana Chudleigh
Published by: Bermuda National Trust, 2011
Pages: 44
Cover: Paperback
Illustrations: Colour
Dimensions: 6” x 8.25”
Price: $10

March 11, 2021

Bermuda’s Architectural Heritage: Warwick

Warwick is the ninth in the Trust’s Architectural Heritage series. The volume analyses many historic buildings in the parish, as well as discussing the families which lived in the houses and the organisations which built and occupied the public buildings. Sidebars cover such diverse topics as the quarries of Warwick, Khyber Pass and the history of the former slave graveyard in the area of the rubber trees. The late Edward Chappell, Retired Roberts Director of Architectural and Archaeological Research at Colonial Williamsburg, contributed an essay on the architectural history of the parish with measured drawings of some of the most important buildings and there are many historic photographs.

Author: Thomas V James
Editor: Rebecca Brady
Published by: Bermuda National Trust, 2020
Pages: 275
Illustrations: Black and white photos and drawings
Cover: Laminated, colour
Dimensions: 8.75″ x 11.25″
Price: $55

December 17, 2020

Bermuda’s Architectural Heritage: Pembroke

Pembroke is the eighth in the Trust’s Architectural Heritage series and was written by Bermudian historian and academic Dr. Clarence Maxwell. It explores the history of the parish from Bermuda’s early days and covers many of Pembroke’s buildings, ranging from Government House to humbler houses on The Glebe Road and the North Shore and from ancient vernacular buildings to the modern Bacardi building on Pitts Bay Road. Interesting topics such as the Black Watch Well, the early ‘common lands’, wooden houses and many other subjects are covered and the late Edward Chappell, Retired Roberts Director Emeritus of Architectural and Archaeological Research at Colonial Williamsburg wrote penetrating analyses of several of the buildings.

  • Author: Dr. Clarence Maxwell
  • Editors: Dr. Edward Harris MBE, JP, FSA and John Adams
  • Published by: Bermuda National Trust 2017
  • Pages: 298
  • Illustrations: Black and white photos and drawings
  • Cover: Laminated, colour
  • Dimensions: 8.75” x 11.25”
  • Price: $50
December 16, 2020

Bermuda’s Architectural Heritage: Hamilton Town and City

The seventh in the Trust’s Architectural Heritage series, the book is packed full of information and fascinating illustrations of Hamilton, both present and what we have lost. Written by the late David L White, it covers Hamilton buildings, governance, merchants and residents and has benefited from the increasing expertise of our researchers, the rich information saved in Bermuda’s record repositories and the wonderful old images available. It does not just cover Front Street – back of town areas from Brooklyn east to Angle and Union streets are included, with information ranging from the governors after whom some of the streets were named, through the black gentry families who lived on Princess and Court streets, down to some of the humblest inhabitants.

Author: David L White OBE
Editor: Amanda Outerbridge
Published by: Bermuda National Trust, 2015
Pages: 321
Illustrations: Black and white photos and drawings
Cover: Laminated, colour
Dimensions: 8.75” x 11.25”
Price: $50

December 15, 2020

Bermuda’s Architectural Heritage: Paget

Paget is the sixth in the Trust’s Bermuda’s Architectural Heritage series. The introduction and an architectural essay are by the late Edward A Chappell of Colonial Williamsburg. The book covers two early and important cruciform houses as well several surviving early 18th century buildings. It also includes many houses which were built while Hamilton across the harbour was being developed and reaches into the 20th century and the buildings of Wilfred Onions, one of Bermuda’s best known architects.

Author: David L White OBE
Editor: Amanda Outerbridge
Published by: Bermuda National Trust 2010
Pages: 305
Illustrations: Black and white photos and drawings
Cover: Laminated, colour, with dust jacket
Dimensions: 8.75” x 11.25”
Price: $40

December 14, 2020

Bermuda’s Architectural Heritage: Smith’s Parish

The fifth volume in the Trust’s Bermuda’s Architectural Heritage series was written by Diana Chudleigh with an introduction by the late Edward A. Chappell. From the north shore to the south shore, from Devil’s Hole to Flatts Hill, the architecture and occupants of the notable buildings of Verdmont, Hinson Hall, Magnolia Hall, Orange Grove, Winterhaven, Farmhouse and many others are described.

Author: Diana Chudleigh
Editor: David L. White OBE
Published by: The Bermuda National Trust, 2005
Pages: 222
Illustrations: Black and white photos and illustrations
Cover: Laminated, colour
Dimensions: 8.75″ x 11.25″
Price: $25

December 13, 2020

Bermuda’s Architectural Heritage: Hamilton Parish

The fourth volume in the Trust’s Bermuda’s Architectural Heritage series, by author Diana Chudleigh, provides a detailed account of the buildings and people of Hamilton Parish dating back to the late 17th century. From Flatts, around the north shore of Harrington Sound to Tucker’s Town, Hamilton Parish describes some excellent examples of early Bermudian architecture. Many other aspects of Bermuda’s history are explored as well, including shipbuilding, governmental matters, and even a close look into the lives of our Bermudian ancestors.

Author: Diana Chudleigh
Editor: David L. White OBE
Published by: Bermuda National Trust, 2002
Pages: 230
Illustrations: Black & white photos & illustrations
Covers: Cloth covered collectors’ edition with dust cover and laminated edition
Dimensions: 8.75″ x 11.25″
Price: $25 (laminated)
Price: $75 (cloth)

December 12, 2020

Bermuda’s Architectural Heritage: Sandys

Sandys is the third volume in the Trust’s series, Bermuda’s Architectural Heritage. The book contains fascinating stories, photos, maps and drawings of Bermuda’s built heritage – its unique architecture – as seen in the Sandys/Somerset/Dockyard area. In just under 200 pages, it weaves a tale that describes not just the buildings in the western end of the island but also the people who used them and the events that took place in and around them.

Editor: David L. White OBE
Published by: The Bermuda National Trust, 1999
Pages: 196
Illustrations: Black and white photos and illustrations
Covers: Cloth covered collectors’ edition with dust cover and paperback
Dimensions: 8.5″ x 11″
Price$25 (paperback)
Price: $75 (cloth)

December 11, 2020

Bermuda’s Architectural Heritage: St George’s

The unique nature of St. George’s and the detailed yet easy to read style of Michael Jarvis come together in the second volume in the Trust’s series, Bermuda’s Architectural Heritage. St. George’s, distinguished by being the oldest inhabited English settlement and the second permanent town founded by English colonists in the New World, has a rich heritage of over 400 years of continuous occupation. Written for both the casual visitor and the more serious historian, the book contains a wonderful array of early maps, drawings and photographs. Sidebars on architectural features, including walls, roof pitch, steps, chimneys and fishponds, supplement the intriguing stories of the inhabitants of St. George’s Town and Parish.

Writer/Researcher: Michael Jarvis
Editor: David L. White OBE
Published by: The Bermuda National Trust, 1998
Pages: 190
Illustrations: Black and white photos and illustrations
Cover: Paperback
Dimensions: 8.5″ x 11″
Price: Currently Out of Stock

December 10, 2020

Bermuda’s Architectural Heritage: Devonshire, 2nd Edition

Devonshire was the first volume to be written in the Bermuda’s Architectural Heritage series. It covers over 50 buildings, ranging from small cottages to grand houses, churches and schools, and includes much architectural comment and information about the series forerunner, the Historic Buildings Survey, as well as a parish overview. The 1st edition sold out very quickly but the 2nd is essentially unchanged.

Author: Andrew Trimingham
Editor: Diana Chudleigh
Published by: Bermuda National Trust, 2004
Pages: 94
Illustrations: Black and white photos and drawings
Cover: Paperback
Dimensions: 8.75” x 11”
Price: $30

December 9, 2020

Bermuda Memorial Inscriptions

The husband and wife team, Hilary and Dick Tulloch, both come from military and families and were army officers. While resident in Bermuda, they noticed that many headstones of service men in the local cemeteries were deteriorating and took it upon themselves to record the inscriptions. Together they have unveiled the mysteries of military abbreviations and deciphered whimsical verses and poignant epitaphs. The book includes inscriptions from all the memorials found in the naval, military and historic cemeteries of Bermuda, as well as memorials of sailors, soldiers, airmen, servants, slaves, merchants, mariners, convicts and ambassadors, both local and from overseas from the parish and community cemeteries. It also includes short histories of each of the naval, military and historic cemeteries now managed by the Bermuda National Trust.

Authors: H R & R C Tulloch
Published by: Bermuda National Trust and National Museum of Bermuda, 2011
Pages: 358
Cover: Hard cover with dust jacket
Dimensions: 7.75” x 11.25”
Price: $35

December 17, 2009

Footsteps in the Sand: Short Historical Dramas About Bermuda’s Early Days

These short plays for two or three readers were performed year after year at the Trust’s annual Christmas parties in St George’s. They bring history to life in a lively and sympathetic way and are suitable for all ages.

Author: William S. Zuill Sr
Published by: Bermuda National Trust, 2008
Pages: 106
Cover: Paperback
Illustrations: Black and white
Dimensions: 7″ x 9″
Price: $20

December 17, 2008

Held In Trust: The Properties and Collections of the Bermuda National Trust

Held In Trust covers all aspects of the Trust’s holdings. Chapters on our historic properties and the cemeteries cover the history and significance of each property in detail. The chapter on Protected Open Space reviews not only the properties protected by the Trust, but also the conservation significance of the reserves and the challenges inherent in managing open space in Bermuda today. The chapter on the Trust’s collections describes these for the first time, with emphasis on Bermudian artisans who worked in silver and cedar, and the Trust’s collection of fine Bermudian paintings. This is a must-have volume for anyone interested in Bermuda’s heritage – both man-made and natural or for anyone who just likes pretty pictures of things Bermudian.

Author: Dace McCoy Ground
Editor: Amanda Outerbridge
Published by: Bermuda National Trust, 2008
Pages: 138
Cover: Hard cover with dust jacket
Illustrations: Colour
Dimensions: 8.4” x 9.5”
Price: Currently Out of Stock

December 17, 2008

Rogues & Runners: Bermuda and the American Civil War

This colourful and information-packed book is based on the exhibit of the same title at the Globe Museums in St. George’s. The publication includes a range of historic images, from Edward James’ paintings to photographs of the men who led the blockade running.

Author: Catherine Lynch Deichmann
Published by: Bermuda National Trust, 2003
Pages: 80
Illustrations: Full colour photographs and illustrations
Cover: Paperback, colour
Dimensions: 8″ x 8.25″
Price: $15

December 17, 2003

The Traditional Building Guide

Subtitled Advice for Preserving Bermuda’s Architectural Heritage, the book is designed to be a practical guide for those working on historic buildings. Topics include building with stone, paint and colour, and how to make changes sensitively to a traditional building. There are many excellent diagrams and drawings throughout.

Author and Illustrator: Anthony Short
Editor: Sylvia Shorto
Published by: Department of Planning and the Bermuda National Trust, 2002
Pages: 161
Illustrations: Black and white photos and drawings
Cover: Spiral bound paperback
Dimensions: 8.5″ x 10″
Price: Currently Out of Stock

December 17, 2002

The Rich Papers: Letters From Bermuda 1615-1646

The Rich Papers are a major source of original letters and documents on Bermuda’s early history.   Written principally to Sir Nathaniel Rich, a major shareholder in the Bermuda Company founded in 1612, they provide revealing eyewitness accounts of the early days of Bermuda, ranging through topics as diverse as indentured servants and tenant farmers, drunkenness, letters from an outspoken clergyman, and problems between the local governor and the Company in London.

Editor: Vernon A. Ives
Published by: Bermuda National Trust, 1984
Pages: 413
Illustrations: Black and white photos and illustrations
Cover: Hardback
Dimensions: 7″ x 10″
Price: $40

December 17, 2000